A Rethink

And this happened...

A Rethink

Year ago, in what seems like another lifetime I entertained the idea of running for public office in my home state of Idaho. I’m serious. Nothing as lofty as a state representative (though I wasn’t going to rule it out) but at least try for running as a local representative. I’d be a politician who could have a sense of humour about it all yet still look after what I thought at the time were important issues. The environment, small business, issues with healthcare and so forth. Without deciding on what party to align myself to (though leaning towards some of the old forgotten favourites like The Whig party) I genuinely explored what needed to be done. It needs to be mentioned that this was prior to the internet and any research that one needed to do on someone would be down to phone calls, interviews and the like. I mentioned my misguided ambition to a good friend of mine and at first he thought I was jut trying out some new material on him that might be used at a later time for some up coming gigs but soon he realised I was serious. That’s when this person, a person I’d known since I was 12 years old got serious and told me it would be a very bad idea. My intentions were sound he said but those opposing me would drudge up some much of my past that not only would they make it impossible for me to run for public office but it would surely jeopardise any future chances at not just employment but loans from banks, credit cards and membership in everything. I could see his point and reluctantly decided to let my political ambitions fall by the wayside. That was then, this is now and the whole world just witnessed what Trump, the 45th president of the United States has gotten away with and after a look back at what I’ve done I might just think about running again. What I’ve done pales in comparison but it’s still on the fringes of what some might consider immoral or whatever. Not sure if I’ll actually see this through but obviously if I throw my hat in the ring I’d run as a republican because for the most part I think they’d be okay with my past and more importantly they seem to be that ignorant. Gawd bless America!