Fast Forward


Fast Forward

Big chunk of time has passed since I last posted anything and for good reason, I’ve been writing a book about becoming a father. I’m amazed I was able to write such a thing let alone the fact that it has over 81,000 words in it. Will it ever get published? Who the fuck knows. I realized I had to write something now while it was still relatively fresh in my mind about how I got to where I am as far as being a father to this little boy before I left it too late and forgot most of it out of apathy or even better yet from some sort of age related dementia. At the very least it’d be way for him to read and maybe understand how it all came to be and how reluctant I might have been but glad it worked out.

Our third trip back to Idaho we lucked out with the weather in that we were there 16 days and only had 2 that weren’t sunny. Most of the time we were at the beach which after being there with him made me realise how lucky I was growing up in North Idaho with the Neo-Nazis on a lake that was 26 miles long with 110 miles of shoreline. Most of the Nazis are gone replaced by the alt-right (millennial speak for Nazi I’m thinking) which means they lack the guts to confront anyone about what they feel is a threat to their white existence but still have all the ignorance of the idiots I knew back in the 70-80s. Speaking of guns, my son caught a glimpse of a couple of mine. I as checking to see if they had any rust or the like. He asked if they were mine of grandpas. I said they were mine and told him you always point the gun away from anyone, make sure it’s not loaded by checking the breach and keep it stored in a locked cabinet. I said this every time I picked them up. I had them out 3 times for various reasons, never fired them and repeated the little safety speak each time. He never thought any more of it until we got back to London and confessed he wanted us all to move to America forever. We told him we couldn’t afford it and he said we could sell a few of my guns to make some money. Interesting proposition but unfortunately it would generate enough to do such a thing. Then he asked if Donald Trump died could we move back then. From the mouths of babes. Better sell the guns anyway I’m guessing as I’ll need an alibi.